Sunday 19 April 2020

Spreading kindness

I've found it hard to write or blog since the sudden death of my mother. In fact I had such a block I couldn't think of anything constructive to say. Then the world got turned on its head for everyone.

Honestly I dont think anyone could have envisioned this as how 2020 was going be. Locked in houses, with those we may or may not love. Restrictions on .movement, holidays a pipe dream, and boredom tearing into our psyche.

Yet when the world is at it worse, Twitter of all places, comes up with this crazy idea. Posting you Amazon wish list on threads, and random people, be it friends or not buy bits off it. In return you do the same to others on the thread. I dont know if il recieved a single thing, but I have posted into it. And now I go to bed at night knowing 10 others ( so far) have got a gift they wanted from a stranger.

I usually dont buy into these ideas, but in this time of everything else going to hell, why not. Take a chance and spread the kindness, you never know, the reciepant may have just lost someone, or be a front line worker, or just be on the edge mentality, in which case, for the cost of a take away coffee, you could make some one feel loved.

My link is below, if just to give you an idea. Share the idea with your friends, or hunt for a random stranger, but get involved.

Friday 11 May 2018

First 5 days of grief

Sunday was the and always will be the absolute worst day of my life. Without going into details I lost my mother, and without true warning. Now I am to breath a little I thought I would share a few of my feelings and observations, in the hope it can help others and in a way to communicate with all my friends etc.

1) it may be a nearly a week now but I am still in shock, I am swinging from absolute rage to complete dispair in a heart beat. Nothing is making sense and even he smallest choice is overwhelming. Add to this as from last night I have started to get flashbacks of the last few moments and how my mother looked.

2) I am riddled with guilt and at this moment in time I feel like I totally failed my mother. Again I can' go into details as there are other factors , but it doesn' matter who tells me otherwise, that's how I am feeling.

3) if one more person mentions food etc I will explode. I can barely step into the kitchen without bursting into tears. Add to this the fact food all tastes like cardboard, and my stomach is rivalling niagra falls. I know you all mean well, but at this moment in time I really couldn't give a dam.

4) I haven't even had time to process. There has been too much to do, ridiculously stupid amount to do. The last thing I wantto do is talk to another call centre or official, but that has been my week, it' bad enough the last week of mums life has scared me off trusting anyone I don' know, but now I have to deal with even more .

5) silence is scary. For days I have had two phones glued to my palm, now the fact they aren't ringing is even harder to bare. I may not want to talk but the gapping hole of endless chatter or the noise from mums bedroom is daunting.

6) the cards that have been sent are truely touching, but I am struggling to read them, in time I will thank you all, but for now my nerves feel like they have been brilloed.

7) It may look like like I am coping and got it so together, but trust me I haven't there have been melt downs and tears. Unfortunatelythere will be more before I can truely say I am even coping.  I seem to have a daily limit to a day once I reach it, that' it I can' do anymore but go to bed . I am not being rude, or shunning anyone I literally am brain fried.

8) I do appreciate your concern, but showing any emotional without bursting into tears or rage is very hard.

9) you quickly learn who your friends are and how people fry our past can just return as if they never left. For that I will be eternally grateful

Last and not least I have the feeling it'  going to get worse before it gets better. The hard parts are going creep up when I am at home alone, when I realise my daily routine is changed forever. When I trying to return to certain places, or eat certain meals. I am going to admit I have a feeling I need my friends even more then than now.

Wednesday 13 December 2017

Broken from the inside

I vowed never to write this post mainly because of the heads ace it takes me to, but also because it is going to expose so much about me that maybe 5 people in my life know about.  But the as the last week on social media has been full of good and bad about  bullying, and the media has been full of tales of sexual attacks perhaps now is the time for me to tell my history and hopefully it will help someone.

For those that don't know i come from a single parent family, which when I grew up in 1970s England, was still frowned upon. Add to this we lived with my grandfather and that added to to the social sigma. For reasons not relevant I had one false start at school, which made what happened even worse.

The day I started at church school aged 5, it was the funeral of my great aunt, being so young I wasn't allowed to attend, in retrospective that was the first warning. For the opening line was "we good christians". How I never lost my faith over the next 11 educational years thanks to that one sentence I will never know. I'm not going to give you all the boring blow by blow account of the next two and half years, and I can' name those that did such things but I will say I was ridiculed for being a "bastard", physically tortured for entertainment in front of my fellow class mates. Abused in all senses of the words by certain staff behind closed doors, to the degree I went home daily with bruises to head arms etc. Certain teachers encouraged the emotional bullying from my classes mates as I was a "bad" child, just because of my parentage. Needless to say I snapped, at 7 years old, I fought back the only way I knew how physically throwing a chair at a teacher. Unsurprisingly this became my way out although by the time it got reported home it had become I tried to strangle a younger  pupil. Anyway when the edited truth came out my family pulled me out of education for 6 months while the powers that be covered it up, tested my sanity and found I had genius level iq, then quickly got me into a better school.

The damage was done though, I would binge eat, stealing to get money for candy, for the rest of my educational life. I lost all my carefree innocence, went through episodes of self harm that even now can creep back 40 years later.  But the bad just kept coming.

Although I got a few years of safe education every so often it would creep back, and I was never able to trust anyone fully. Then I went to high school and due to the way the UK system is set up I met up with previous pupils from the church school. It started over again, the ridicule, the rumours and the teachers not defending or helping. I went through another 5 years of this before I got out and went to college out of the area. Only then could I start to rebuild . However life isn't kind at times and as I got my mental state back to near normal my physical health which was always weaker than most started to give in a big way, like life threatening, at one point looking unlikely I would make 21.

I would love to say I got through it and all is well, but it's not quite that nice and simple. I live with now 3 chronic illnesses, and despite having managed to work hard till I was 40 I'm now disabled by them .

The worst bit of all this is one of the conditions was probably triggered by something that happened when I was 6 years old and being bullied by the teacher in front of the whole class. I found little comfort in the fact I have subsequently heard and know for fact other children were abused in that school and upon my sudden departure from the class another 10 + pupils were also removed by parents for similar reasons.

I will never get the investigation or justice I deserve as I know two people involved are now dead and possibly more. I never got the counselling or therapy any child need to recover from such events, as it wasn't available back then. By the time I did find something to help me, a lot of the memories are now so deep in my subconscious I only get them back in flashback or nightmares.

However the real I wrote this down is not for sympathy or anything like that, I'm too far damaged and too used to my own coping strategy to need that. But to reach out to anyone else who has been or is in this situation or something like it. Although it' been hard for me and sounds very bleak, there have been highs. For a brief time I got to work in an industry I dreamed to while my health allowed. I learnt how to fight for what is right no matter the cost to me, and I still have one friendship that started before this and continued through it and still goes strong. I am able to function with out most people even realising my chronic illnesses aren't the real damage done to me and that is my biggest win.

We are now in a world where this no longer needs to be hidden, and can be stopped. Where stigma is no longer is acceptable, and where if a child cries for help they will be listened to. If you can take one thing away from me writing this truth, please let it be you never let another child go through what I have , and if something doesn't feel right about a childs  behaviour ask the questions, call the relevant people. It's better to be over cautious than blind through ignorance. Remember by 5 years old I was so scared of my own  being I was a capable liar to my own family from the indoctrination from the adult bullies and abusers, so it may take more than a slight scratch on the surface to gain the truth.

Tuesday 19 September 2017

A few little words

I am a very big supporter of the ideal a little help goes a long way. Mainly for the fact it's a matter I both practise and have benefited from. In fact without help over the last few years I would have starved at times, money got that bad due to my health. So I always try to give back when I can.

Over the last few weeks people have been put in worse situations than I could ever imagine and only by the grace of god do more not suffer. Yet what has really caught my attention in fundraising and all that goes with it was not the great campaigns etc, but the few words from one actor at a film festival and then the ripple effect it had.

The actors name is Sebastian Stan and it was at the TIFF film festival all the actors had to write the rest of the sentence "  I want to....." Now as expected most actors put something more personally identifiable or even self based. Instead though Sebastian wrote I want to help someone. A very simple sentence that has had such a ripple through social media that nearly $3,000 has been raised in less than a week by his fans for anti human trafficking charity he supports.

It's been amazing to watch I have to admit I have supported both that and the other charity he has put his face to, not to impress anyone but because of the fact he has left an impression on me. A celebrity/actor however you define them, to have such selflessness in a situation of self promotion is a rarity. A fleeting light in a tainted world, and yet there he was. Because of such action others will benefit.

But if you take it down to the grass roots values, if a person in the public eye can do it with such few words, what can anyone do with some well placed thoughts and actions.  Sure we can all give a few pennies here and there where we can, follow the lead or answer the call so to speak. But it's better balanced with actions that match. The need for help is always required in any society, there are always poorer, weaker, older, frailer members in any social situation. Not all of them will ask or even admit they need help, not just for pride reasons, but purely to keep hold of dignity and self respect. It is these people who could benefit the most from action rather than donation. From wheeling in bins to holding a door open, everything counts. Help doesn't have to be a big gesture, but a genuine one. For example I spend my life on crutches, yet I am fiercely independent. The greatest help I appreciate when out isn't people who try to take things from me or imply I need extra help, its the people who say good morning while holding a door open with a smile rather then sending me flying in their rush. Trust me I've experienced it all.  It's the genuine offer that gives me a choice, rather than overwhelming or dominating me. If more people were like that society would be such a nicer place.

So while we live with the very positive ripple from the actions of one person and I will leave you the links if you wish to keep it going, you can also keep the ripple of the words going just by looking at how you act in day to day life, and what more it doesn't cost you a penny, just a few little words.

Thursday 7 September 2017

Are we going to get to 2018

I have sat and thought about writing this for a while, and finally bit the bullet. Seriously I thought last year was bad with all the notable deaths but this year is heading to make last year look like a picnic.

There are three particular world leaders  with a few of their friends that if they don't wise up get their heads out of their arse's and stop pushing their own egos, will have the entire world at nuclear war before the first day of advent. Seriously it's worse than a load of toddlers arguing, except these bleeding idiots had weaponry that we have just proved man isn't responsible enough to control.

There is nothing great or clever by firing warning shots all over Asia just to see where it lands, nor is grown up to then threaten said person via social media. Come on folks at this rate we would be better off with mickey mouse in charge and a whole lot safer. I'm sorry but I'm done with these people, including my own so called leader. Not one of them has proved their maturity in the matter, in fact even the leaders of the UN aren't faring much better.  These people need to be stopped one way or another and if you can't do it the former legal way, it's time to rewrite the law as  something is clearing wrong when the leaders of multiple countries all have questionable mental health issues.

I keep hearing cries from the masses saying things must change, but little action. What's it going to take to rid us of such tyranny. Russia I can understand, they have been so indoctrinated over the years, that the masses are weaken, even north Korea has reasons to not react. But America ? Come on, you all have the opportunity to stop this happened, what has happened is an opening for the return of neo nazi and kkk. Seriously I despair, then I look close to home at the UK and I just want to cry. We have a leader who is basically the lap dog of whoever shouts the loudest, whilst also shredding the dignity of every elderly, or disabled person in the country, by constant demànds to justify their own existence and need for aid.

Going back to America, purely as at the moment of writing this they are being hit for the second time in as many weeks with a hurricane, they are literally dying in one of the wealthiest countries in the world, because no one will man up and say we need to take drastic action in this situation. The reason being again is down to some mislead ego trip afraid to admit that he was wrong about climate change. Well I've got news to you Mr president, just because you can't face reality doesn't make it fake, and if you even bothered to get you god dam suit wet and actually go into the affected streets you would see what your voting public are facing. I mean what's it going to take for someone to get him to face reality, I bet if one of his hotels or golf courses really got flooded or shredded by this weather, then he may notice. But instead he is too busy upsetting north Korea via twitter.

Yes I am picking on America a bit, but only because I realise I have readers from all over the world and it is the one country we all get the news about. I can honestly say the UK is no better, only difference being our leadership are little more sneaky and it doesn't make the international news so easily. We are up to our little necks in trouble, collapsing healthcare,  failing education system, and now our military seems have its own group of neo nazi fans.

It's a pretty sorry state of affairs when extremist Islam groups take second place in world fear to our own leaders, but that's how much the world has changed since the start of the year. Now I am left wondering what's it going to take to actually  making it to 2018.

Thursday 22 June 2017

What makes you British

The last few months here in Briton have been the stories of nightmares. The fact it's made world news is even more concerning as it makes people fearful of coming here to visit, which compounds the problem. I won't deny we are in the midst of what feels like guerrilla warfare, and you need to keep your wits about you. But for my generation this is nothing new we grew up with the IRA trying to blow us up, and let be honest it's not just a UK problem but a western world issue. Germany France even Belgium  they have all suffered attacks.

The problem is other matters are also unsettling our great nation. Our internal politics are as desperate as another big country I can think of that's making world news . The truth is the world is changing in desperation and without regard for past lessons so easily forgotten. But there is one lesson I am proud to see us Britons don't seem to have forgotten. The same message hidden in the posters from ww2 saying dig for victory, that got the east end through devastating blitz and if you want dredge deeper into our history got us through the industrial revolution the great fire etc.  The ability to dig deep grit our teeth and get on with it. The keep calm and carry on message. In fact the actor John Cleese has written a brilliant article on our levels of annoyance with situations where his brilliant comic genius sums up the country to a t. It is worth a look and is flying round Facebook.

But there is a little fact that is being overlooked in all this. It's not what a brit does that matters at the moment it's the fact that the real definition is being whitewashed. To qualify for the the label has absolutely nothing to do with your skin tone or accent, your gender or even religion. I mean we are nation made up of many cultures before America was discovered, by 1066 we had our fill of invasions and have only allowed one since. Instead we welcome people into the country provided they play by our basic rules.

To call yourself a true brit,

 your major point of debate shouldn't be what religion you are ( the Tudors drive the country into exhaustion over that). No a proper British debate is the correct way of serving tea or how to pronounce the word scone.

A brit is never happy with the weather.. No I don't get this either we an island for goodness sake it's going to variable.

A brit will moan about anything and everything usually quietly. But when all hell truly breaks out they will soon forget these whims and do the seemly impossible. Especially if those in charge seem lacking. When it really turns turtle it's the little people who become our hero's.

And a brit with fight tooth and nail to keep our country ours. Sure we have had to adapt when our great empire wanted to be part of the nation, but wars were fought to keep us in tea so it's a fair deal, besides it gave us decent curries and Chinese takeaways. So we quickly adapted in the same way the Romans gave us plumbing and salt. But we don't like people terrorising us on our home soil. That does annoy us and hurt innocence and suddenly you find us Brits won't just take it. We get our own back and we can get really sneaky.

You see being British isn't a genetic thing it's a mental state of mind. If you can witness what we have, brush the dirt off yourself and get back on with normal life within often as little as hours, then well done you're British. If you can see the humour in a man running away from an attack still carrying his pint then yes you can carry the name .

So next time you question if a person is a card carrying brit don't looking at the quantifiable but instead at the emotional. ..

Thursday 18 May 2017

Flying toys time

So we have made it to May with the western world in as big a political mess as it started the year in, and the leaders throwing tantrums worthy of a nursery play. Whether it be one leader screaming he is being badly treated, yeah right read a few history books mate, or another so over confident in her micromanagement destruction of any one none productime she has called yet another bloody election. The reason is the same, they all think they are untouchable. Well for the moment they might think that, and if you are one of many people suffering by their hand it sure feels like it. But karma has a nasty way of catching up with them.

In my life time Nixon fell in disgrace, the Berlin Wall was smashed down, various eastern European tyrants came very unstuck. It just takes time, and unfortunatelythe pain and suffering that occurs during that time. These leaders may truly believe that history will remember them favourably, but it is them who is delusional. For history remembers the little people, and the leadership is tarred by the quality of life of the little people. If the poor are starving, the elderly freezing and Ill and vunerable  neglected, then that's how the societies success is measured.

So whilst Trump acts like a spoilt brat he is, and May is trying to sweep any weakened humans into society's rubbish bin, history is already making notes to this affect. They won't honour these callous excuses of humanity, but ridicule them. Sure it's painful to live through, but we the little people will succeed without resorting to name calling and  toy throwing like our current leaderships.